open access publication

Article, 2024

Utilizing consumer-based label equity to signal consumer products free from endocrine-disrupting chemicals

JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES, ISSN 0969-6989, 0969-6989, Volume 76, 10.1016/j.jretconser.2023.103611


Sigurdsson, Valdimar (Corresponding author) [1] Folwarczny, Michal 0000-0002-1686-4933 [2] Larsen, Nils Magne 0000-0001-7671-0250 [3] Menon, R. G. Vishnu 0000-0002-3923-2912 [1] [4] Sigurdardottir, Freyja Thoroddsen [1] Perkovic, Sonja 0000-0003-0488-3755 [5]


  1. [1] Reykjavik Univ, Dept Business Adm, Menntavegur 1, IS-102 Reykjavik, Iceland
  2. [NORA names: Iceland; Europe, Non-EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Univ Galway, JE Cairnes Sch Business & Econ, Discipline Mkt, University Rd, Galway H91 TK33, Ireland
  4. [NORA names: Ireland; Europe, EU; OECD];
  5. [3] UiT Arctic Univ Norway, Campus Harstad, N-9480 Harstad, Norway
  6. [NORA names: Norway; Europe, Non-EU; Nordic; OECD];
  7. [4] Massey Univ, Sch Commun Journalism & Mkt, POB 756, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
  8. [NORA names: New Zealand; Oceania; OECD];
  9. [5] Aarhus Univ, Dept Management, Fuglesangs Alle 4, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark
  10. [NORA names: AU Aarhus University; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD]


Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in consumer products present a global health concern. Yet, the understanding of consumer perceptions of EDC-related product labels is limited. This study investigated consumer reactions to such labels using data from 602 Scandinavian consumers. The results indicate a positive association between label performance (willingness to buy, pay in a local currency, pay extra, and recommend a product with the label) and a modified version of the consumer-based food label equity scale proposed by Coderre et al. (2022). Findings also suggest a positive relationship between awareness of EDCs and label performance of products with EDC-related labels. Our recommendations involve educating consumers, utilizing labels more effectively, and avoid warning labels for risks that are not well known and/or have a relatively low consumerbased label equity (CBLE).


Consumer-based label equity, EDC awareness, Endocrine-disrupting chemicals

Data Provider: Clarivate