Article, Early Access, 2024

Quantifying pesticide emissions for drift deposition in comparative risk and impact assessment

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, ISSN 0269-7491, Volume 342, 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123135


Zhang, Yuyue 0000-0002-1448-0557 (Corresponding author) [1] Li, Zijian 0000-0002-9291-5966 [2] Reichenberger, Stefan [3] Gentil-Sergent, Celine 0000-0001-7301-1243 [4] [5] Fantke, Peter [1]


  1. [1] Tech Univ Denmark, Ctr Absolute Sustainabil, Bygningstorvet 115, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
  2. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Sun Yat Sen Univ, Sch Publ Hlth Shenzhen, Guangzhou 518107, Guangdong, Peoples R China
  4. [NORA names: China; Asia, East];
  5. [3] Knoell France SAS, 5 Rue Gorge de Loup, F-69009 Lyon, France
  6. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  7. [4] CIRAD, UPR HortSys, ELSA, F-97232 Le Lamentin, Martinique, France
  8. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD];
  9. [5] Sante Publ France SpF, F-94415 St Maurice, France
  10. [NORA names: France; Europe, EU; OECD]


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Chemical pollution, Drift experiments, Emission modelling, Plant protection products, Spray drift

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