Article, Early Access, 2024

Linear Electro-Optic Effect in 2D Ferroelectric for Electrically Tunable Metalens

ADVANCED MATERIALS, ISSN 0935-9648, 10.1002/adma.202401838


Liu, Yuanda [1] [2] Wu, Yaze [1] [3] Duan, Ruihuan [4] Fu, Jichao 0000-0002-8554-4474 [1] [2] Ovesen, Martin [5] Lai, Samuel Chang En [1] [2] Yeo, Think-E [1] [2] Chee, Jing Yee [1] [2] Chen, Yunjie 0000-0001-9478-6953 [1] [2] Teo, Siew Lang [1] [2] Tan, Hui Ru 0000-0003-4839-4515 [1] [2] Zhang, Wang [6] Yang, Joel K. W. [6] Thygesen, Kristian Sommer [5] Liu, Zheng [4] Zhang, Yong-Wei 0000-0002-1902-1501 (Corresponding author) [1] [3] Teng, Jinghua (Corresponding author) [1] [2]


  1. [1] ASTAR, Inst High Performance Comp IHPC, 1 Fusionopolis Way,16-16 Connexis, Singapore 138632, Singapore
  2. [NORA names: Singapore; Asia, South];
  3. [2] ASTAR, Inst Mat Res & Engn IMRE, 2 Fusionopolis Way,Innovis 08-03, Singapore 138634, Singapore
  4. [NORA names: Singapore; Asia, South];
  5. [3] ASTAR, Inst High Performance Comp IHPC, 1 Fusionopolis Way,16-16 Connexis, Singapore 138632, Singapore
  6. [NORA names: Singapore; Asia, South];
  7. [4] Nanyang Technol Univ, CINTRA CNRS, NTU, THALES,UMI 3288, Res Techno Pl, Singapore 637371, Singapore
  8. [NORA names: Singapore; Asia, South];
  9. [5] Tech Univ Denmark, Dept Phys, CAMD, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
  10. [NORA names: DTU Technical University of Denmark; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];


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2D ferroelectric, CuInP2S6, electric-field, metalens, tunability

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