Article, 2024

Ultrastructure of precipitates in Cu-modified Q&T steels and its effect on tensile responses

MATERIALIA, ISSN 2589-1529, Volume 36, 10.1016/j.mtla.2024.102125


Sharma, Kapil Dev 0000-0002-0343-2031 [1] [2] Sarkar, Arnab 0000-0002-5348-0699 [3] [4] Kadgaye, Chetan [1] [2] Banerjee, Pritam [5] Barat, Kaustav [6] [7] Patra, Sudipta 0000-0002-4257-2504 [1] [8] Karmakar, Anish (Corresponding author) [1] [2]


  1. [1] Indian Inst Technol BHU, Dept Met Engn, Varanasi 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India
  2. [NORA names: India; Asia, South];
  3. [2] Indian Inst Technol, Dept Met & Mat Engn, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India
  4. [NORA names: India; Asia, South];
  5. [3] Natl Inst Technol, Dept Met & Mat Engn, Sect 1, Rourkela 769008, Odisha, India
  6. [NORA names: India; Asia, South];
  7. [4] Natl Inst Technol, Dept Met & Mat Engn, Sect 1, Rourkela 769008, Odisha, India
  8. [NORA names: India; Asia, South];
  9. [5] Natl Ctr Nano Fabricat & Characterizat, Fysikvej 307, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
  10. [NORA names: Miscellaneous; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];


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Cu-precipitates, Electron microscopy, MatCalc, Mechanical properties, Quenching & tempering, Thermo-Calc

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