Article, 2024

β decay of the ground state and of a low-lying isomer in 216 Bi

PHYSICAL REVIEW C, ISSN 2469-9985, Volume 109, 6, 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.064321


Andel, B. (Corresponding author) [1] Andreyev, A. N. [2] [3] Blazhev, A. [4] Lica, R. 0000-0001-7066-9787 [5] Naidja, H. [6] Stryjczyk, M. 0000-0001-6515-2409 [7] [8] Van Duppen, P. [8] Algora, A. [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Antalic, Stanislav 0000-0001-7959-8153 [1] Barzakh, A. [15] Benito, J. [16] Benzoni, G. [17] Berry, T. [18] Borge, M. J. G. [12] [19] Chrysalidis, K. [20] Clisu, C. [5] Costache, Cristian [5] Cubiss, J. G. [3] De Witte, H. [8] Fedorov, D. V. [15] Fedosseev, V. N. [20] Fraile, L. M. [16] Fynbo, H. 0000-0003-0316-4548 [21] Greenlees, P. T. [7] Harkness-Brennan, L. J. 0000-0002-7126-1553 [22] Huyse, Mark [8] Illana, A. [17] Jolie, J. [4] Judson, D. [22] Konki, J. 0000-0001-6200-323X [7] Lazarus, I. [23] Madurga, M. [20] Marginean, N. [5] Marginean, R. [5] Marsh, B. A. [20] Mihai, C. 0000-0003-1103-1534 [5] Molkanov, P. L. [15] Mosat, P. [1] Murias, J. R. [16] [24] Nacher, E. [12] [13] [14] Negret, A. [5] Page, R. D. 0009-0009-7062-711X [22] Pascu, S. 0000-0001-6385-4650 [5] Perea, A. [12] [19] Pucknell, V [23] Rahkila, P. [7] Rapisarda, E. [20] Rezynkina, K. [8] [25] [26] [27] [28] SanchezTembleque [16] SCHOMACKER, K [4] Seliverstov, M. [15] Sotty, C. [5] Stan, L. [5] Suerder, C. [29] Tengblad, O. [12] [19] Vedia, V. [12] [16] [19] Vinals, S. Wadsworth, R. [3] Warr, N. [4]


  1. [1] Comenius Univ, Dept Nucl Phys & Biophys, Bratislava 84248, Slovakia
  2. [NORA names: Slovakia; Europe, EU; OECD];
  3. [2] Japan Atom Energy Agcy, Adv Sci Res Ctr, Mura, Tokai, Ibaraki 3191195, Japan
  4. [NORA names: Japan; Asia, East; OECD];
  5. [3] Sch Phys Engn & Technol, York YO10 5DD, England
  6. [NORA names: United Kingdom; Europe, Non-EU; OECD];
  7. [4] Univ Cologne, Inst Kernphys, D-50937 Cologne, Germany
  8. [NORA names: Germany; Europe, EU; OECD];
  9. [5] Horia Hulubei Natl Inst R&D Phys & Nucl Engn, RO-077125 Bucharest, Romania
  10. [NORA names: Romania; Europe, EU];


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