Article, 2024

Examples of cosmological spacetimes without CMC Cauchy surfaces

LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, ISSN 0377-9017, Volume 114, 4, 10.1007/s11005-024-01843-7


Ling, Eric (Corresponding author) [1] Ohanyan, Argam [2]


  1. [1] Univ Copenhagen, Copenhagen Ctr Geometry & Topol GeoTop, Dept Math Sci, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
  2. [NORA names: KU University of Copenhagen; University; Denmark; Europe, EU; Nordic; OECD];
  3. [2] Univ Wien, Inst Math, Oskar Morgenstern Pl 1, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
  4. [NORA names: Austria; Europe, EU; OECD]


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CMC Cauchy surfaces, Cosmological spacetimes, Tolman-Bondi metrics

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